August 13, 2024
Put on the old Wanderering hat and headed to a pair of savory ovals this first weekend of the month. Friday to Aberdeen, Saturday in Jamestown. Great racing both nights, Jamestown did very well for having just that week spread out several truck loads of new racing dirt. Since the Rally was in full bloom last weekend, stayed closer to home, taking in BHS only, as Gillette graciously took the night off for Sheridan's two day I-90 event.
July 31, 2024
Only one night of racing last weekend, as BHS said it was too danged hot (and this old guy couldn't have agreed more). Did manage to snap a few at the Gillette oval the following night, which can be viewed comfortably from your air conditioned lair at the 2024 link.
July 25, 2024
Photos from BHS' double header last weekend are up for your perusal at the 2024 link. I've been using a different technique for night time shooting that I'm not sure if I like the results of or not. Kinda nice just using one camera, just the same.
Tell me what you think.
July 15, 2024
Think I've got things straightened out--at least for now, to get this site up to date. If the photos look "different" from this past weekends trips to BHS and Gillette Thunder Speedway, do not adjust your computer. Tried something "new" and "exciting" to spice things up. Anyway, you be the judge. I think I'll continue on with the tried and true techniques, at least for a while longer.
June 13, 2024
For the one or two of you that have been waiting for an update...that day has arrived. My lack of motivation is largely behind this failure to keep the site current. Hopefully those Meh-by blues will go away soon.
May 19 2024
This update features images from three Black Hill Speedway excursions and one to Gillette Thunder Speedway. Didn't feel up to par last night, so passed on another Wyoming venture.
My first taste of Texas dirt trackin' can be witnessed at the newly installed 2024 link, due in large to visiting my good friend and race car letterizer Justin Williams at his new location. I'm not sure if it's my equipment or my skills that seem rather sub-par, as you will likely notice. Not sure I want to spend more $$ or just shoot less. We'll see.
Also in thius update, I've finally added a link to Butch Knouse's excellent Mad Statter page on Delphi. Enjoy!
December 16, 2023
Big update this time, folks. First we have an additon to the Racin' Round RC page, thanks to a generous trove of photos from the George Davis collection. The otrher belongs to a massive collection of photos from the Del Jury Collection. Both have lit up the Facebook pages with a handful of samples over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully getting to view the entirty of these coillectrives will have been worth the wait.
September 12, 2023
With this update, I am officially all caught up-the last two nights of the Clash, and the rain shortened season ender at Bandit Speedway. My apologies to the Bandit crowd, as I was late arriving, missing a good portion of the only racing that would happen.
September 7, 2023
Still slogging away on Clash photos from nights 2 and 3, but night one (along with a double header one week earlier at the famed Aberdeen oval Brown County Speedway) can be gleened at the 2023 link.
August 24, 2023
Almost forgot to get the site updated--sure sign of old age, right? Two nights worth this time, from tried and true venues.
August 5, 2023
Been awhile since I've had time to get this site up to date; hope you hadn't been holding your breath until now. Great couple weekends of racing, from a double header at my home track, Black Hills Speedway, then a rain shortened event at Brown County Speedway followed by a truly wonderous night at Miller Central Speedway. The whole trip was spurred on by the return of Larry Schmitt's beautifully restored 1956 Ford #120, which had taken top honors at that very speedway 50 years earlier. Good job by the Schmitt brothers, Robin and Robert!
July 18, 2023
Two weeks worth of BHS/Bandit Speedway photos for your torrurous pleasure at the 2023 link.
July 7, 2023
Two shows last weekend-Gillette on Saturday, BHS on Sunday. Details at the 2023 link.
June 20, 2023
What can I say...life has been pretty busy. That's my excuse for lack of updates and I'm sticking to it like Pam on a pan.
May 29 2023
It's kind of an unofficial tradition that it must rain (and most profusely) over the Memorial Day Weekend. This year's service celebration was no exception. Couldn't make the Friday BHS show, managed to squeeze in the Gillette program Saturday night despite a mean look from Mother Nature in almost every direction. Everything esle was a wash. The Saturday night show was a great showing of western Wissota/IMCA mastery. I can only hope my attempts of capturing it are worthy. If you dare, you can peruse them at the 2003 link.
May 24 2023
The weather gods finally moved their havoc away from my area of the racing world to allow 3 nights/days of motorized mayhem last weekend. I believe there is a problem with either my tried and true camera equipment, or possibly my very tried and sometimes true eyes. Judge for yourself at the 2023 link.
May 10, 2023
Well...I did decide to keep up this charade as a "photographer" for at least another season. Not sure if I'm just rusty, or I've "lost it", as the photos on the newly created 2023 link will attest to. I promise to do better next time!
October 5, 2022
Well, the year is officially over. Under the 2022 link, you will find what I spent the last weeks of the season doing. It's highly probable I will still be doing this photo thing next year. I just don't know what I would do if not standing at the corner of my favorite dirt tracks during the warm months. We'll see.
September 18, 2022
Everything I have shot since the 3rd can be seen at the 2022 link. Not sure how I'll finish out the year; maybe Jamestown, maybe Sheridan. It's down to a flip of the coin!
September 9, 2022
Ever so slowly getting caught up. The Nationals at Black Hills Speedway were condensed into a one night affair, thanks to a nagging storm. The weather was perfect for all three nights of the Clash at the Gillette Thunder Speedway a week later. I'm still muddling through the images of the last two nights of the trifecta, but you can witness what I witnessed at the 2022 link. I promise to get caught up before I head out to either Jamestown or Sheridan over the 24th weekend.
August 28, 2022
Been away from the computer for a while...after last night's BHS rain out, had some time on my hands to get things up to snuff. A few weeks ago, traveled to the Central Speedway in Miller, SD, as a guest of one Justin Williams. Justin turned his first laps on this precious plot of fast dirt. It being a double header made it even that much better. Don't take my word it...check out my so-so photography at the 2022 link.
August 12, 2022
It wasn't on my itinerary, but some serious arm twisting led me to a rare Sunday night show at the Gillette Thunder Speedway. Pleasantly surprised at the amount of cars that ventured to the 3/8 oval; the racing was great and very well worthy of the malaise of the Monday work day.
August 2, 2022
Another BHS-Gillette Thunder Speedway weekend has passed through my lens. Results can be viewed at the 2022 link.
July 25, 2022
Images from BHS and Bandit Speedway are up at the 2002 link. Friday night at BHS was a difficult, frustrating night for drivers, fans and photographers alike. I'm inclined to just put it behind me and run headlong into the next racing event. Hopefully it's a shared philosphy.
July 18, 2022
Gunslinger tour's first stop was held at Black Hills Speedway Friday night...just as a light rain offered up what was to become a taste of things to come. While the third feature was lining up, more wetness stalled the show, eventually forcing officials to call it a night. And with good timing. as a storm commenced in short order with about an inch of the farmer's friend soaking the entire region. Fortunately, night two of the tour headed to clear skies in nearby Wyoming. I had not one, but two camera issues throughout the weekend, soiling my mood and limiting the number of what my be considered "good" shots. I'll let you be judge and jury at the 2022 link.
July 10, 2022
Just one night of racing this weekend-Black Hills Speedway Friday night.
July 5 2022
Two great nights of racing (BHS and GTS) over the weekend! Hopefully my limited attempt at playing photographer will convey just how good it was. Click over to the 2022 link and prepare to subject yourself to...
June 29, 2022
First east bounder of the year saw the Wanderer headed off to Aberdeen SD, Jamestown ND and Watertown SD. Among the many things I packed for the trip, a nasty head cold (not Covid mind you) rode along. I wasn't at my best and the photos at the 2022 link will be ample proof. In fact, it's one of the reasons I have delayed this update. Shear embaressment. Just be kind; I'm still kind of sensative as well as old. You'll also find BHS and Gillette updates from a fantastic weekend of racing and top it off with just one outing over the last weekend, Bandit Speedway.
June 6, 2022
Weather continues to dominate the racing scene as of late...and my bad memory continues to dominate my website life. Forgot to update the previous weeks pics, so you get a double dose with this update.
May 16, 2022
Another packed weekend fraught with camera issues. It's quite possible the issues have less to do with the camera than the operator. I can't offer up excuses, the results you can see for yourself at the 2022 link.
May 10, 2022
Busy weekend last week, with Black Hills Speedway kicking off the new season Friday night, then heading out to Bandit Speedway for a little testing and tuning before getting the Magnum back on the road for the opening night at the Gillette Thunder Speedway. All very good events, with a special nod from Mother Nature being in a generous mood.
May 2, 2022
New season, same old camera and camera man. What I'm pondering to be my final year of shooting cars circling ovals (I love a good oxymoron) begins with a couple of events close to home. They can be viewed at the newly installed 2022 link.
October 6, 2021
This update includes images from the first night of the Stampede (50 years now at the Jamestown Speedway), which was the start of two great nights of racing (as always). The second night of photos are still being sorted out (I got a little click happy) so those will grace your screen later...
Also, you will find images from a very special evening last Saturday night. Since Covid put the kabosh on gatherings for most every function last year, everything was a go for the the latest inductees to the Black Hills Speedway Hall Of Fame. It was so cool to see the drivers (or their families) that got me hooked on this sport at such a young age. The stories are priceless! The memories are forever.
September 17, 2021
Took some diligence, but I went through every image taken since the last update and proudly (?) present them at the 2021 link. Only one more weekend of racing for this guy; the Stampede in Jamestown the following week. Can't miss that one!
September 12 2021
Still playing catch-up. Night two of the Clash images can be enjoyed (?) at the 2021 link.
September 9 2021
I'm still working through a pile of images captured this past weekend during the 3 night racing extravaganza they call the East/West Clash at Gillette Thunder Speedway. The first night of images can be viewed (and hopefully liked) at the 2021 link.
August 31, 2021
The World of Outlaws sprint car troup returned to Black Hills Speedway last Sunday night, and while the show had it's unfair share of hiccups, managed to get home at a decent hour (we're not used to the Sunday night gigs out here in the west). It was a rather difficult night to shoot, but I hope the images I managed to grab will grab your interest.
August 4 2021
Finally! The stars aligned, the weather cooperated (mostly) and the boss told me to enjoy some time off! So good to catch up with old friends (the Schmitt brothers, Josh Johnson, Al Schmidt--the list is endless). The whole weekend reminded me that racing is more than fast cars and the occasional crash or two. It's about the loose nuts behind the wheel!
July 13, 2021
Had some issues with an update that kept my computer on my naughty list for a couple of days....it's cooperating now that we have reached an agreement. That said, images caught before the weather gods decided we had had enough racing Friday night are now up for your viewing pleasure, as are a plethora of pics from the following night at Gillette's fast and furious oval.
July 9 2021
Last weekend had an opportunity to make a return trip to Miller's Central Speedway for another fine night of racing, after taking in the night of specials at Black Hills Speedway the evening before.
June 21, 2021
All up to date (at last). Plans for the upcoming weekend will take this wanderer to the eastern side of South Dakota for a 3 night excursion.
June 16, 2021
Sorry it's taken so long to get last week's photos on the site. In fact, I have only sorted through Black Hills Speedway's Friday night show with the non-wing sprints. Had a host of camera issues that night; most of everything I shot failed to form a salvagable image. At least in my opinion. The "successes" can be scrutinized at the 2021 link.
June 8, 2021
Still busy but found enough down time to get the site up to snuff. The racing has been good, despite mother nature's consistant tampering with the thermostat on race days. I'm sure cooler days are to come-kind of nice to complain about something other than being cold!
June 1 2021
Busy busy busy. Last Friday's BHS action can be seen at the 2021 link.
May 24, 2021
It wasn't a most pleasant day for Gillette Thunder Speedway's opener over the weekend, nor was it too uncomfortable. Not near 2008 Wissota 100 cold for sure! Good turn out of cars and they managed to get the show in just as rain started trickling down from the heavens. Hopefully you will find some of my work to your liking at the 2021 link.
May 22, 2021
The weather continues to the be the topic of the young season. Another postponement of Gillette Thunder Speedway's opener coincided with an east river opportunity to catch the action at the Miller Central Speedway last Saturday night. Here's to clearer skies and more summerish conditions in the very near future!
May 10, 2021
BHS opened the 2021 season last Friday night. I tried some different techniques, not so much as I wanted to, but from trusty camera equipment not working to my liking. Hopefully those issues will have been banished with the upcoming weekend at BHS and (fingers crossed) Gillette Thunder Speedway can open up on Saturday.
May 3, 2021
Sorry for the lack of additions to the site for the past six plus months. Been working on interests outside of racing-and most anything racing related. Trying to get my mojo back into motion with a new season (warmer weather always helps my mood). Ventured to Black Hills Speeedway over the weekend for the annual test and tune event, which featured a fair amount of test and tuners. Proved that not handling photographic gear for such an extended period makes one a bit rusty. On Sunday, joined a good crowd of racers, street machines, mini sprints and go karts for a show and shine at the Civic Center. Proof I was in attendence can be found at the newly installed 2021 link on the home page.
The site is looking kind of dated; might have to enlist some help in giving it an upgrade--if you think that is absolutely neccessary!
Enjoy the new stuff as well as the older images. Not sure where I will wander this year; the budget is tight and time is proving to be distant at the moment.
October 12 2020
What might have been my final event of the season, the final night of the Stampede, a plethora of images await at the 2020 link. Hats off to Tim and crew for two fantastic nights of dirt slinging!
October 5, 2020
Seems I got a little snap happy at this year's Stampede event in Jamestown, ND. Great racing, even if there was an most unusual incident at the conclusion of the first Bomber heat. Night one photos are up at the 2020 link, night two should appear...later!
September 19 2020
Should be all update and current for the season, with the addition of images from the final two nights at Black Hills Speedway.
September 17, 2020
Last two nights of the Clash can be viewed at the 2020 link.
September 14, 2010
Been working feverishly on getting photos from this years version of the Clash ready for consumption...night one images are ready for your enjoyment at the 2020 link. More to follow (eventually)....
September 1 2020
It was Nationals time at BHS last weekend...Mother Nature almost got a clean sweep the final night, an annoyingly persistant rain doomed the final portion of the program. I did manage to collect some images from both nights, including the season championship trophy recipients. All can be revealed at the 2020 link.
August 20, 2020
Joined Justin Williams on a road trip to his old stomping grounds of Miller, SD, last weekend. Without going into some not so pleasant details, I can say honestly I had a much better time than he. Friday night it was a Big Dog special, followed by their points championship season ender Saturday. A few things to point out: Kelly Duffy's Super Stock feature dominance continued, even after a first lap incident turned his car into something akin to a demolition derby veteran; 2) Casey Hanson ended his career on a high, getting the SS championship to top off an interesting career. This weekend I should be at my normal BHS corner two position, but Saturday is a bit crowded with plenty of non-racing must dos. Yay me.
August 10 2020
Only one night of photography, as BHS was closed Friday night. With my niece and her family in tow, ventured to Gillette for a great night of dirt tracking. Hats off to Jerry Martin for two things: 1) Winning the Vonnie Erivez Memorial dash (put on by Marty Erivez and his family) and 2) donating the $750 top prize to charity. Class act.
August 7 2020
More BHS and Gillette shows last weekend--good racing at both facilities. Check out the pics at the 2020 link.
July 28, 2020
Visited 2 race tracks this weekend...and only had to put about 10 miles on the Wandermobile. Western South Dakota's latest dirt oval made its debut Saturday night. Photos from that event and Friday's Late Model special at Black Hills Speedway can be viewed at the 2020 link.
July 21, 2020
Stayed close to home over the weekend, catching the .38 Specials at both Black Hills Speedway and Gillette Thunder Speedway. Hop over to the 2020 link for pics.
July 13, 2020
Finally made it to my second home away from home, Gillette Thunder Speedway, over the weekend. The evidence can be found at the 2020 link.
July 7, 2020
Found my traveling shoes and hit the road. Aberdeen, Jamestown and Watertown one weekend, and Miller last weekend. For the curious, images can be viewed at the 2020 link.
June 23, 2020
I know, about time I got this updated. Wait no more. Aside from a few nights at my home track, took the cameras to Sturgis for some go-kart, mini-sprint and motorcycle fun! Last weekend, ventured to Dickinson, ND's, Southwest Speedway for the 3rd annual Richard Jordan Memorial. As usual, great racing, plus enjoyed the ride north with Roger Featherstone and family (and friends) which made it more...memorable. Yeah, memorable. I'll just go with that! (Thanks Rog!!)
June 9, 2020
Still not feeling well (some intestinal bug I suspect) but did manage to get in one night of racing last weekend: my home track BHS.
May 31, 2020
Despite not feeling well, did manage to snap a few photos of night #2 at Black Hills Speedway. To be honest, the Street Stock feature had to be one of the most breath taking events I've seen in years. Andy Fitzgerald got the win, but the entire top 5 has no reason not to be celebrating. Awesome run, guys.
May 25, 2020
The rsacing has started for this wanderer. Details at the 2020 link.
May 10, 2020
Hard to believe almost mid May and no racing yet. It may have been a very cold and equally windy Saturday afternoon, but it did my senses a world of good to see a world coming back into "normal", thanks to Black Hills Speedway's annual test n tune event. A lot of improvements await the May 15th opener, including all new lighting and the creek that ran the length of the backstretch has been trenched in with 900 plus feet of culvert. Now all we need is Mother Nature to get into a forgiving mood and let the dirt fly!
March 26, 2020
Sorry for the lack of updates-life got a bit busy and here I am closer to the racing season and temporarily out of work. Totally precautionary so I get some time off while the virus makes its rounds before going away. Hopefully forever. New this time are photos snapped from last year's final racing event held at the Sturgis Short track, nestled at the bottom of the 2019 page. I did make some additions to the Racing Round Rapid section, thanks to Darlene Buchanan offering up photos and news paper clippings from hubby Buck's racing days. I also had the opportunity to photograph Bill Liebig meeting his tribue Super 8 Special sprinter brought to life by Jerred Murner. In all the years I watched Billy take master of the half miler I had never talked to him before this brief visit. Hopefully the next time he's back in town I can coax some memories from the good old days.
September 17, 2019
Sorry, not ready to post photos from a fun night at the short track in Sturgis last Saturday night. This update is to correct a problem with the 2019 link. Somebody, who will remain nameless, messed up the Night 2 of the Nationals at BHS by not hooking up to the right link. That person has been fired. I am taking over now. However, if this problem should happen again, be sure it's the same guy causing problems.
Also...this weekends plans for the Stampede have been changed to a probability instead of a certainty. News from the weather desk is predicting limited chamces of racing among high probability of treading water. I've watched storms from many locations and while I do enjoy spending time in Jamestown, miserable weather can also be endured right here at home.
September 12, 2019
The BHS Half Mile Nationals photos are ready for inspection at the 2019 link.
September 8, 2019
Kind of caught up...Black Hills Speedway WoO show and the entire Clash weekend are up at the 2019 link. Now to sort through the 1/2 mile Nationals from the last two days.
Only one more weekend of racing for the season in the plans: the Stampede. I have a medical procedure on the final Friday of the month that will likely put to rest any more racing ventures for 2019.
August 20, 2019
Found my traveling shoes and headed north-eastish to the fine ovals of Jamestown, ND and Watertown, SD the weekend of the 10th. The plan had included getting a last chance effort to take in a Brown County Speedway show Friday night, but, in typical 2019 summer fashion, the weather Gods insisted I sit in a motel room and watch TV instead.
Next up, the WoO Sprints on my home turf this Friday, then...?
August 7, 2019
The Wandererr lived up to his namesake by going west last weekend, first to the Casper Speedway then to my second home turf, Gillette Thunder Speedway. Great racing both nights, despite a couple of end or enders that dampened the spirits of Tom Asmus and Scott Tyrrell. Glad both were okay, as the rides they both incurred were not for the faint of heart.
The plan is to be more of an eastern wanderer this coming weekend, taking in a trifecta of shows in Aberdeen, Jsmestown and Watertown. Likely the last extensive travel of the year, outtside of a Twin City trip in October for a Sabaton concert.
July 30, 2019
Only one show from last weekend; iffy weather being the woe (and I missed the Western Wandrerer Photo sponsored Justtin Williams get the feature win at Gillette). I did manage to get a few shots from the ASCS Fronteir region show in my own backyard, of which I took the time to do a little experimentiation. Most of those, sigh, ended up being deleted but I did try. The more show worthy images are at the tail end of this week's 2019 update.
July 25, 2019
Wandered northwest this past weekend, to the Big Sky Speedway under the big skies of Montana. Had a few issues with the gear, which, like the operator, is getting on the old and not so trustworthy side. I do have one of them new fangled cameras that never ceases to remind me that, yes, I am outdated. Haven't gotten to the experation date yet, tho, my golly. This weekend I'll continue my need for sprint car feed with a pair of shows closer to home. The ASCS Frontier region is hosting events at the Black Hills Speedway Friday night, then over to the Gillette Thunder Speedway Saturday evening. Should be good (and fast)!
July 9, 2019
In my ever ending (at least this season) quest to find a racing venue not caught in the clutches of Mother Nature's wrath, I managed to get in another trip to the Gillette oval over the weekend. The weather watchers are claiming all things meteorological are going to improve greatly for the next couple of weeks, so who knows where I just might end up.
Hopefully dry and at a race track.
July 2, 2019
The weather turned a bit more friendly last weekend, so I ventured westward towards a couple of Wyoming ovals. You can check out the results at the 2019 link.
June 23 2019
Since you are reading this, it means I have successfully merged my old faithful computer to a bright, shiney new one. I'm far from a techy, but I did manage to not bother a lot of folks in this transition. At least not yet. I haven't wandered far lately, just to my local speedplant, which evidence can be found at the 2019 link.
Please let me know if something doesn't work or isn't working the way it should. Then I may have to find someone to bother....
June 3 2019
Mother Nature turned off the tap for racing to resume this season, so I headed towards my old Wyoming stomping grounds to capture the action at the Gillette Thunder Speedway, Evidence can be found at the 2019 link.
May 6 2019
First race of the new season is in the books. Only made it to Black Hills Speedway's opener on Friday; a returning bout of the flu prevented any other racing endeavors. Hopefully this coming weekend will be kinder to my health.
April 28, 2019
Well, here we go again. The season is starting on a rather cold note, which no doubt kept most drivers and fans indoors for the Black Hills Speedway Car show and test and tune this past Saturday. What cars were on hand and passed by my lens are up for viewing at the newly initiated 2019 link. I plan on a limited schedule this year, so updates will sometimes be few and far between.
Last night, the inaugural Black Hills Speedway Hall of Fame inductees received their well earned accolades at a well attended ceramony in Summerset, SD. I hob-nobbed with the awardees and snapped a few photos for prosperity, which I am sharing on this update (likely the final entry under the 2018 link).
Whilst there, Jack Comer's son Mike handed over an album of memories that I quickly digitized and will also debut with this update. You can find that treasure trove under the Rapid Round Rapid link.
As for the HoF event, tt was an experience bordering on surreal, getting to relieve some of the highlights of my childhood. Each member deserved every ounce of recognition and more. Much more. Those men and women that were larger than life to my young eyes have turned out to be suprisingly human, maybe a bit higher degree of human.
How can you ever thank someone for getting you so much, especially when they weren't even aware of what they were doing. They thought they were just making laps, winning races, collecting trophies. It takes a special breed to make memories. Thank you all.
And with this update, my 2018 season is complete. Just as the weather ruled the first part of the season, it didn't fail to quell travel in the last part. My intention was to conclude the year as I had last year, with the I-90 Challenge in Sheridan. Weather 1, photo guy 0.
With this update, what has passed before my lens thus far in 2018 should be ready for your eyes at the link on the homepage. Sorry I haven't been to steady with updates, and not too wordy here or All The Dirt. Trying to get some of that mojo back into motion as the season zips into the specials month of September. Got the Clash in Gillette this weekend, the Nationals here at home and an open calendar for the rest of the month.
There...I should be all up to current as far as the 2018 season. Not too many ventures planned for the rest of the season, just have to wait and see.
What can I say...finally got the bugs figured out and here we are: at least up to the end of June. Wander over to the 2018 link to find out just what I have been up to.
The new season is here-finally!
It may have been a little dusty at the afternoon Black Hills Speedway test 'n tune, but I was able to get some images with the new camera. They can be found (and enjoyed) at the 2018 link.
Fingers crossed that I have repaired some of the issues with the 2016 links and can get the site back to full function. Please let me know if there are any other issues with the site!
I am hoping that this update will at least upload. For some reason, a bulk of the 2016 photos vanished from the server, and attempts to get things back into full swing have hit snag after snag. There's been a lot of head scratching and even more expletives muttered and shouting trying to get this technology to conform.
Leave it to me to break the internet. As soon as I have something good to report, I'll let you know.
This update is to tend to some links that hadn't been working--mostly from the 2016 season. If I did it correctly, images from the Clash in Gillette and the Stampede in Jamestown will be available for viewing. Sorry about that! Thanks to Darrell Parsons for taking note of this issue.
Not much to report from this end of the racing world. Billy Keester has relinquished control of Black Hills Speedway to give his own venture, Bandit Speedway, a shot at something new in the region in Box Elder. I had planned to get a few photos of the work in progress but mother nature reminded us that she is still in charge of things. No promoter has been given the BHS task as of yet; will seem kind of awesome to have two speed plants in the neighborhood.
I hope to be a bit more responsive this upcoming season. Some of my personal demons have been slayed; now it's to get back on solid footing. I'll also be tackling a new camera, thanks to Jennifer Stanton basically giving me a tasty new deck of technology...that I hope I can come to maybe not master, but at least get a few of those images that have eluded me in seasons past.
After much delay, the Sheridan Speedway I-90 Challenge photos are now housed at the 2017 link. This was one of the most pleasant track experiences I had this year; can't wait to go back.
With this update I should be up to date! It's been kind of a slack year for the Wanderer; some behind the scenes activity has kept the travel to a bare bone minimum. I'm sure my legion of fan(s?) have wondered where I've been hiding...one more trip for the year, heading out in a few hours to Sheridan Speedway for the I-90 Challenge. It's been about a decade since my last visit; I'm way overdue.
No, I haven't been sleeping at the switch...just beyond busy! This update features the Saturday night portion of the Clash, the annual year end special at Gillette Thunder Speedway. A total of 134 machines pulled in for the 3 day fest, which, unfortunately, I had to miss the opening night.
I have a pile of photos to go through to get the entire season on the site; just be patient, please.
It seems I am again friends with everything internet....so I hope. A pile of new images can be viewed at the 2017 link. There's still more to add, just trying to get caught up on all things non-racing related has proven a chore. Be patient, and, hopefully, the wait will be worth it
It was a winged weekend for the Wanderer last weekend; both RC and Gillette played host to the ASCS group. Things didn't go well Saturday night at Gillette, with a driver requiring hospital care put a strain on the late hour. Too late for this old guy (I'll admit it, I'm not as spry as I used to be). After the first feature, I had to bid my leave.
Arriving home, I discovered that my trusty lens had let me down. Almost half of the images taken had to be discarded, as the focus was well beyond Photoshop's greatest creative efforts. I'm not sure where that leaves me for the balance of the summer. I'll give it some TLC and see if things improve, other wise I may have to park my plans until a new lens can be procured. Not likely until next summer, if the urge to keep shooting survives the down time.
The images I have deemed "okayish" can be found at the 2017 link.
Glad to hear Adam Speckman is okay; what a scare!
I was able to finally free the photos from my Florida excursion last February from their almost destroyed card state; the results of my first time shooting experience in the Sunshine State can be viewed at the 2017 link. You'll also find a link for photos taken at the Don Garlits Museum. I'm not a huge drag racing fan, but I could have spent most of my vacation rambling through the acres of memorabilia on display.
Awe inspiring to say the least.
At long last, a pesky computer snafu has finally been quelled (or so I hope). The 2017 link should be working with all the racing I've been able to take in this month; not much, thanks to Mother Nature and a thing called life.
Should everything work as planned, should be able to get a four night fix this weekend, starting in Huron Thursday.
I won't go into details to explain my absence...next update for sure. Shouldn't be 8 months next time either. Still have a bunch of photos to go through, but last weekends season openers at BHS and Gillette are at the 2017 link.
Long overdue update this week (I know, finally!). Everything I've shot since the middle of July can be found at the 2016 link. Getting ready for the Clash this weekend, then the 100.
Still dealing with eye issues; I've managed to get most of what I've shot the last month onto the 2016 page. Going to try to get to Aberdeen and Jamestown this weekend; a road trip way overdue!
The road to 20/20 status hit a speed bump a week or so ago, so I've been pretty much confined to as little activity as possible. Things are slowly returning to normal, including getting the last batch of photos up for your enjoyment at the 2016 link. Now I just need to get the Mad Statter page up to snuff.
Short and simple-images from opening night at BHS are parked at the 2016 link. I'm learning to deal with using my right eye to focus instead of the left, but, I'll tell you, this old dog has a very difficult time learning new tricks.
Well, the good news is I'm going to live. And see! I've been more or less confined to a prone position while my detached retina gets all cozy in it's rightful spot. The surgery went well, thanks to the great staff at BHEI! The healing process has been slow, at least to my liking, having been off work since that day and more or less able to nothing more than sleep, eat, sleep some more.
Aside from missing last week's rain inflicted shows at both home and Gillette, I have finally got a pile of images ready for viewing on the 2016 link.
Another casualty of the unplanned optic distress is I'll have to void plans to go to Huron for Orv's big dollar shows, just following doctors orders. I should be able to sneak out for this weekend's fare, as long as the weather holds.
Getting ready to head to Gillette for the season opener it came to me I haven't been too attentive to this site. So without further ado, you will find what I've been busy doing under the new 2016 link!
Well, my big plans for a revamp of the site took a hit with a computer malfunction. Hence, the lack of updates. I thought I had updated the 2015 season with photos from the Stampede in Jamestown, just realized a few days ago nothing had happened.
Yikes. I have a ton of stats to get up on here as well-sorry Butch. I'm slowing getting everything moved over to a new computer and I can hardly wait for what trials await then!
Short and sweet: I'm almost caught up from the last two weeks. Head over to the 2015 link for details.
Hopefully the pace slows down so I can get to the remaining Clash photos prepped from last weekend. Night one can be viewed at the 2015 link.
It appears I won't be able to make the Wissota 100 this after all; it's the first time since it's centeralization in Huron that I haven't been able to make the show.
Maybe next year
Images from the Challenge Series race in Montevideo the 14th and from DSFS on the 15th are now up and ready for viewing at the 2015 link. Also, last Friday night's BHS offerings are ready. I'm having an issue with a stubborn card reader which is why the photos from the 21st at BHS haven't made it to the site yet.
I'm hoping to get this resolved soon.
Next up, three nights at the Clash! See you there.
I'm backlogged again; just seems to be getting harder to find time to devote to this job. This time around I've added photos from BHS earlier this month, plus what I was able to capture from a three race weekend starting with a trip to Willmar, MN that recharged my racing batteries.
Two weeks worth of Black Hills Speedway images are up for viewing at the 2015 link. Quality has been a problem lately, as I am fighting some odd phantom that appears on some images and not others. Thought I had it figured out after the big ASCS show, but it showed up again this past Friday night.
I've been a bit out of sorts lately, which you have likely noticed in my lackluster interest in the site as well as my writing. My dear friend Brenda Schroeder passed away from cancer within the last two weeks...trying to tie up the reasons why and all the things associated with the passing process has taken the wind out of my sails to say the least. I'm working on a page in her memory, it's just going to take a while. How do you cram so many warm memories into a readable text? Not sure I'm the guy for the job.
I am at a loss for words, so this will be brief. Updates include photos from last weekend, as well as Gillette 6-20-15.
I'll elaborate later on what has gone on behind the lens lately.
Lots of new stuff to be found under the 2015 link. My computer is showing signs of needing replacement; leading to some issues as to why there has been no updates for a while. A new machine is in the budget, just not sure how to transfer all of the web stuff to the new machine.
And for this old dog web master to learn a new trick. That is truly the trickiest part.
What can I say-busy, busy, busy. Between work at work, work at home and rain a plenty, not much time has been allotted for race chasing. Some newness can be found at the 2015 link.
Didn't make it to Gillette Saturday night as the weather forecast looked too gloomy. And naturally, the show went on without a drop of Mother Nature. Go figure. I did get some images from Black Hills Speedway's first outing in 21 days Friday night. Head to the 2015 to find them.
Last weekend's racing activities from Black Hills Speedway and Gillette Thunder Speedway can be viewed at the 2015 link. On a personal note, thanks Darin Hauff for the ride to Wyoming!
Gillette's opening images are up at the 2015 link. While the car counts weren't off the scale (nor the temperatures), the racing was all in all a success. Hopefully next weekend's promised warm temps will bring out both the fans and the cars.
It's official-the 2015 racing season is clearly just around the corner. I offer a few pages of newness this week: BHS car show and some track work in progress and the Thunder Speedway car show at Gillette yesterday. There is more, just need more time to get things rolling again.
Yep, I'm still alive. Just busy. So busy, in fact, I had to take a vacation. For 9 beautiful days, I was among the many that ventured to the Sunshine State to excape the cold and all that comes with it.
As for motorsports, I did manage to take in an incredible car show at the New Smyrna Speedway, with some 20 vintage racers on display. Yes, it was as close to heaven as I've been in a long time.
Oddly enough, they were running a big show at the Daytona high banks afew days later. I tried to capture some of the magic with my camera, but between jumping race fans, an incredibly high fence circumventing the entire realm and the fact the cars were going the wrong way, I did manage to get some images. I must warn you, they are not the greatest in my repertoire but something was better than nothing. I still can't go to a racing event and not take some sort of photos!
All of these jewels can be found under the newly created 2015 link.
For something really different, head to the What Not section. Back in 1996, I ventured through downtown Rapid City and took four to five rolls of film (remember those?) of the then current architecture. It's amazing how much the town of my birth has changed since then. If this proves to be somewhat popular, I might add some photos of ghost towns I snapped in the Black Hills while they were still standing.
Still haven't dug into the Wissota 100 photos...the other two shooters on the scene had way better luck than I did anyway.
This time around, it's all about the Stat-man hisselfl, Butch Knouse. He's been diligently waiting for me to get his counts up for viewing-just needed a really crummy day weatherwise to get me back to the keyboard. Lots of numbers at the Mad Statter link.
I'm about to the end of the 2014 season photos, just one event left to sift through. However, there are some more photo goodness (humble opinion only) to be had at the 2014 link.
Our own Mad Statter has stuffed theinbox with tons of data ready to be installed--you'll just have to be patient. Like everything else in my life at this moment, it's a work in progress.
I'm still wading through a gob of photos that need to be posted...but I have some new items for your enjoyment at the 2014 link. Images from the Gillette Thunder Speedway Clash are ready, as are the photos from BHS on August 1st. Yeah, I know, that's like ancient history...
I hope to have the two nights worth of shots from Heartland Speedway up before I head out to Huron for the 100 on Thursday (couldn't get time off for the whole deal...sigh...).
Danged if this year hasn't gotten away from me. My life has become so busy there seems so little time for updating the site, which includes the huge task of editing photos. So be patient while I try to get caught up again...this coming weekend I hope to finally get back to Gillette for the Clash. Hard to believe I've only been to two actual races there this year (excluding the 2 times I watched it rain). I'm bringning sunshine aplenty this weekend. I've updated the 2014 photos to almost the end of last month....slowly but steadily....
Images from the Harold Allen Memorial at Gillette Thunder Speedway are ready for viewing at the 2014 hub. I've been looking for another program to use to display photos on the site, as the current one is not to my liking. The images are kind of blurry, much like my thinking lately. Bear with me while I try to find a more "focused" means to display images.
Again, sorry for making you wait for new visuals...not enough hours in the day anymore. This time around, images from the June 20th BHS show and part 2of a racing infused holiday weekend-Madison, MN. The original plan had been to hit Jamestown, but the pull of the HOTROD group proved to be too great a resistance. I wasn't disappointed-lots of cars, including the oldies set, lots of good racing.
As soon as time permits, I'll get the actually part 1 of last weekend's photos up for you viewing desires (Brown County Speedway).
It was good to hear that Mick Bliese came out of his career first end-over at Watertown Sunday night. Vintage cars can indeed be rebuilt, not so much the vintage driver.
Don't forget, Saturday night at the Gillette Thunder Speedway it's a $1000 to win Midwest Mod show.
Sorry for the delay in getting the site updated...busy, busy, busy. Jump on over to the 2014 link and you'll likely find yourself busy, busy, busy.
Finally, a busy weekend. Attended the show and shine at Black Hills Speedway in the a.m., then dashed off to Gillette for their opener. Oh, I did drag a camera or two to both events and have something to show for my time-which you can find under the 2014 link.
Next week I hope to have some more stats from the Mad Statter hisself.
Black Hills Speedway kicked off the new year with a test n tune event Saturday afternoon. A car show planned for earlier in the morning has been rescheduled to next weekend, with another test session planned. Opening night has also been pushed back to May 9th. I did some experimenting with my trusty old Nikon D70s to mixed results at best. You can judge for yourself at the 2014 link.
Also this week, a kind fellow by the name of Dennis Kinslow has donated a bunch of goodies for those of us in constant search of a time machine. I have these gems parked at the Racin' Round Rapid link, although there are a fair whack of images from the State Fair Races in Huron included. Dennis spent the summer of 1968 in the Black Hills, thankfully with a camera at the ready, before making his home in the Aberdeen area. We've been trying to get together for years, but his recent relocation to the Sturgis area finally allowed the connection.
And man, was the wait worth it. Set the time machine for 1968 and click onto the Dennis Kinslow Collection-it's quite groovy.
The Gillette Car Show is now history, proof of my presence can be found at the 2014 link. Sorry for the lack of work on the site; health has been so-so lately.
A big thank you goes out to graphics in a can specialist Justin Williams for the uber cool new logo that greets you at the home page.
This time we introduce the 2013 Minnesota Touring Series stats from our favorite number cruncher, Butch Knouse. You'll find 'em at his home on the web at the Mad Statter link.
Also, Tom Harrington sent some more photos of cars from his race-spent youth. His 1977 entry is a personal favorite, and I'll give you a 3-digit guess as to why. Find out for yourself at the Eastern South Dakota link, navigate to the Casino Speedway section.
Up next, Black Hills Speedway will host their car show next Saturday (the 12th) at the track (it was supposed to be yesterday, but old man winter had other weekend plans). I'll be headed to Gillette for their show and shine one Saturday later at the Camplex.
Yep, despite the snow, the cold, the persistant hint of winter in the air, the racing season is just around the corner.
Been fighting the winter blahs of late...perhaps you have as well. Hopefully some images of summer-related motorized fun will quell those nasties. Jerred Murner is quite proud of his 2014 Wingless Sprint entry, which looks fab--just the right amount of old school brush art and modern day vinyl graphics. Those images, along with some taken at the Counts Car Club showing at the Civic Center here in RC a week or so ago. Yep, some race cars are ready for dirt-just like I am.
Hopefully I'll have time to get another update soon with more from the Mad Statter and some more from Tom Harrington's racing days.
Our resident Stat-cat Butch Knouse has been crunching the win numbers lately, and I am passing them on for your amusement. Head on over to the Mad Statter link on the front page to get your fix.
A lifelong fan of all things Black Hills Speedway, Doug Crawford sent a disc of photos his bride Loree snapped during the 1980 racing season for another unique addition to the site. You can find them under the Racin' Round Rapid link. There is some cool shots of Rick Ferkel among the many great images.
Thanks DAC and Mrs. DAC!
The Mad Statter regrets a miscue didn't update the BHS stats in some divivions, so a quick update should have all the numbers in the right order.
Our own Mad Statter has submitted the latest win tallies for Black Hills Speedway and Husets Speedway to start this update session. I've also tweaked the Black Hills Speedway 1975 season photos, to give more recognition to a few drivers and clean it up a bit. Also have done the same for the Oahe Speedway 1969-1971 photos since I didn't like the photo viewer I had at that time.
For you early 70's BHS junkies, I have the perfect fix for you. Skip back over to the Racin' Round Rapid link and scroll down for the heading Craig Robbins 1970's Work (or something to that effect). Once you open that link, be prepared for a wonderous lap down memory lane. When he wasn't hauling around the camera, he was a pitman for luminaries like the Amick clan in those days. These images are a priceless addition to this site.
On a somber note, the passing of Richie Harris has started the new year on a low note. I know I've been a bit lax in the In Memory and Memories page, as I feel I don't have a personal connection to those heroes now gone. If anyone wishes to contribute in any way, send me an email and we'll give these drivers the recognition due.
A belated happy new year! I have a few interesting tidbits for your consideration this update: The Mad Statter has struck again, giving us all an up-to-date win listings from Casino, I-90 and Rapid Speedways.
Also, Tom Harrington forwarded some photos of his machines some time ago (I'm always abit behind things lately) that can be ogled under the Eastern South Dakota page (more precisely, under the Casino Speedway header).
While I haven't been up to much lately, our resident "Mad Statter" has been one busy stat-man. Updated win totals from the Miller, Huron and Aberdeen ovals are featured in this round of updates, as well as a new listing for the South 79 Speedway here in Rapid City.
The history of the "other" speedway in town happened when the big speedway (our beloved Black Hills Speedway) owners and drivers had a major falling out. For two years, the racers staged races on a 3/8 mile endeavor, located smartly enough on highway S. 79. A few years ago, when the track shut down half way through the season, an attempt by the SOS (Support our Speedway) group to ressurect the long defunct speedplant before reaching an accord with the then owners of BHS.
And the rest is history.
To para-phrase an epic Grateful Dead tune, "What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been".
One moment I'm revving up for night two of the Wissota 100, the next moment I'm stirring in a Sioux Falls hospital bed wondering where 4 days have gone. Without a single memory of the joys (sarcasm) I caused the staff at Avera, I was informed that I had been singled out by a particularly nasty mosquito, infesting something called West Nile into my system. The resultant Meningitis (still not sure how to spell it) KO'd me flat. I'm just now coming up to speed, if you call this pace "speed". Without doubt, I'll get back into the swing of things as there are a few nights of racing I need yet to "wander" through and get up on the site.
The reason for this update stems from a stack of memories delivered via my favorite postal employee last week. Mark Higgins had early supplied a cache of goodies you've undoubted enjoyed at the Racin' Round Rapid link. Well, his brother unearthed another trove of goodies and Mark wasted little time getting them to me. Stand by to be awed with the Mark Higgins Collection Vol 2! Oh, it can be found at the Racin' Round RC link, in case you didn't guess...
I would be remiss not to thank the many for the well wishes, the cards, the photos, the phone calls-each kicked up the recovery process a punch. I never would have guessed that so many should be so concerned for this wanderer.
I am truly blessed. Thank you, again.
My final visit to Brown County Speedway can be witnessed at the 2013 link.
Kind of a long story (and not terribly interesting), but my weekend plans took a westward turn after the Brown County show last Friday night. On the plus side, I did get to take in the Clash (haven't missed one yet) and those photos are now ready for viewing at their 2013 home.
After Friday's action at the home track (BHS), met up with Justin Williams on his trek to Billings, MT's, BMP Speedway Saturday. The long drive was worth every mile-I had an absolute blast! I've made the hardest decision of my racing life as to my travel plans this upcoming Holiday weekend. Having never missed a Clash event at the Gillette oval since its conception, I'm heading the other direction-Aberdeen and Jamestown will be my weekend home. See what happens when you mention "vintage cars"? Yep, it jerks the steering wheel of whatever I'm driving in that direction. I wish the best for the Clash-eteers and hoping for some great (if not cooler) weather for all us motorheads this weekend.
Have (hopefully) uploaded last weekends racing gigs at both BHS and Gillette Thunder Speedway. You know the drill.
Since Ma Nature put the kabosh on BHS's Friday night gig, they went for another Sunday night which the photo evidence can be previewed at the 2013 link.
Spent two stress free nights at the the Heartland Speedway over the weekend-a small venue a stones toss from the edges of Rapid City. Mini sprints, Lawnmowers, SlingShots and carts were the fare-and to be fair, a good time was had by this wanderer (who didn't have to wander much for once). Proof lies at the 2013 link.
Images from recent trips to Watertown and BHS are now up at the 2013 link.
Instead of heading "west", went on a northbound journey last weekend. Dacotah Speedway's annual Governor's Cup brought a lot of enteries from all over the place, something that happens each year I'm told. Just had to see for myself. Two days of photos are up for your viewing pleasure at the 2013 link. Still sorting out the Watertown, SD, photos taken last Sunday. A lot of behind the scenes activity has slowed the processes down lately.
Life has been unusually busy of late...hence the delay in getting the latest images from BHS to the 2013 link. A breather of sorts is in store this weekend, as a revised vacation plan will take me to Mandan, ND, for two nights of "Governor's Cup" action, followed by the planned attendence of the HOTROD group's appearance in Watertown. Should be a great time!
History buffs, this update is for you. Under the Racin' Round Rapid link, I've added some nuggets mined from the Beckman family (let's see, there's Jerry, Bobby...). One of the greatest things about this site is those that open up their memories for me to copy then share with the rest of the virtual world.
Whilst a Pierre, SD, resident, Duane Parks cornered some of the sleekest, dare I say sexiest, cars from the '70's (before vinyl, kids). Duane got in touch with me a while ago and wishes to let everyone know he is a live and kicking, though doing both as a retiree. He sent a pile of photos and articles with the expressed interest of finding a home on the net-or more precisely, my home on the net. Click on over to the Eastern South Dakota link for a groovy trip down the 70's memory lane.
Finally, I'm somewhat up to date. All of the action captured through my lenses over the past two weeks can be viewed under the 2013 link. Now to get busy on the Beckman and Parks pages...
All of the Aberdeen photos from the July 4th weekend are ready for review, as are the BHS World of Something Late Model show at BHS one week ago today.
First night at BCS (Aberdeen) photos are up! Head on over to the 2013 link on the homepage for the images.
Had a most pleasant vacation over the 4th of July holiday, starting with Jamestown Speedway and concluding with a two day Brown County Speedway event. I happened to take waaaaaaaay too many photos, a factor in why this update only the Jamestown images are up at the 2013 link. As time permits, I'll get the rest up, as well as some goodies from Bobby Beckman (a Super Stock pilot, whose dad Jerry was a BHS terror back in the day) and Duane Parks. Yep, the Duane Parks that raced out of the Pierre area in the 1970's.
All I need is some more time. Had I not taken time out for the WoO show Monday night (what there was of it), I may be a bit more on track (pun intended). Billy and Amy really did work their tails off for a not so fitting reward. I'd give the officiating staff of the touring a solid ten on the boo scale.
Double header at my usual haunts this past weekend-you know where to dig for the images. Plans for the explosive holiday weekend include Jamestown, Aberdeen and points yet to be figured out. Enjoy!
You are my guinea pigs this weeks update, folks. Images from last Sunday's BHS rain delayed event can be viewed with the new software under the 2013 link. Cross your fingers....
Finally! Decent weather allowed for a complete weekend of racing at my two local ovals-BHS and Gillette. You'll find them comfortably stowed away under the 2013 link, as well as the few images taken the weekend before--before the skies let loose to drown out the rest of the weekend.
Spent the Memorial Day weekend eastward, as part of the Justin Williams moving crew. Yep, the Justin "5" Williams of the Midwest Modified set, who's is moving back to Wyoming after a stint as a Minnesotan. Of course, I did manage to step away for a few nights of racing-Willmar on Thursday and Huron on the way home Saturday. Everything planned for Friday fell victim to r**n. Dang ol' r**n anyhow.
The images I captured from the trek are up at the 2013 link, as well as some that Mr. Williams took with my tried and trusty secondary camera. He quite possibly has the potential to taking over my job once he gets tired of all those left hand turns....
Only one night of shooting this week-BHS got their show in Friday night while Gillette fell victim to a moody Mother Nature. Next weekends plans include a trip eastward into Minnesota territory...
The Gillette Thunder Speedway photos are up for viewing at the 2013 link. Who would ever have thought Jon Produit in a non-Ford racer? Horrors!
The season opener at BHS was a little on the wet and muddy side...to say the least. While not an ideal night for shooting, I did capture some keepers. Once you take a peek at the 2013 link, you'll get the gist of that statement. Night two of the Gillette Thunder Speedway season should hit the web in a day or two.
Still no luck repairing my old XP machine for the better photo viewing program...you'll have to suffer along as I do. BHS test n tune photos are up at the 2013 link.
Generally, I'm not one to give pause to conspiracy theories; however, events from the past few days have tainted that belief. A corrupt SD card robbed me of several images from Gillette Thunder Speedway's opener Saturday night. As if I didn't have enough issues, the program of choice to display the iamges I was fortunate to recover has somehow gone into the nether regions of cyberspace. You'll have to be patient as I work through these glitches! Click over to the 2013 link for Saturday night's rescued photos, and I'll try to get the Test n Tune shots from BHS up within the next few days.
Gotta love modern technology!
Some of this season's Black Hills Speedway warriors preened for a track side car show this past weekend; I did manage to get a few shots, and yes, I'm going to share them with you. You know where to look.
It's official-the 2013 season is here. Evidence can be found at the 2013 link for photos of the first car show of the year, as photos from yours truly from the Gillette Thunder Speedway show are up and ready for viewing.
Also, made some tweaks to the Mad Statter page. Apparently some of the stats didn't agree with a small minority and instead of getting into a turf war, I just pulled them off. Updated stats for Lake County and Jefferson's Raceway Park can be oogled there.
I had one of those rare opportunities to explore my inner idiot this past week. Having forgotten how to navagate a certain set of stairs I've canvessed at least a million times over the years, a twisted ankle put me quickly to the ground and off to a three day work free furlough.
Enough of my inner and outer struggles! It's update time. The Counts of the Cobblestone automotive celebration organization here in the bossom of the Black Hills held their annual car show at the Civic Center the weekend before my face to concrete mini vacation start. I didn't have anything in ready shape to show, so it was just me and the camera. If you wish to immitate me, hobble on over to the 2013 link and you'll know where to go from there.
Over at the Racin' in Rapid section, I've finally finished chomping through the remaining goodies gleaned from Les Stadel for the world to see. It's rather cool to see "late models" going from street machine to state of the then art dirt slinger.
Butch Knouse, aka the Mad Statter, forwarded some more glimpses of the past, this time from tracks that little is known of this day in age. Take a look-see at who ran what and how well at the Scotland, Corsica, Yankton, Lake Andes and Webster SD ovals.
I know I've been neglicting my wanderering duties lately, but I have been working tirelessly on my latest project, the Kaasa '34 Chevy Sedan. As of today, it is now in the lovely shade of primer gray. If you care to join me in a collective sigh, please do so now.
I had to make a few changes for this update, as I have added some photos that I could not quite find a proper home for, at least within the all ready established parimeters.
I had the same quandry when I added Arno Selberg to the site a few years back...you might notice his link on the home page is missing. In all actuality, it has been replaced with a new page dubbed "What Not", a term for loose ended items and, as I see it, "What Not" is there to like--racing stuff. I moved Arno there, so he'll be in good company with Bill Taylor and Lyn Finlayson. Yes, that Bill Taylor, the Street Stock/Modified/Late Model/USS Carrier Crusier pilot at BHS over the years.
He let me scan some images from his days of 'tar' racing whilst a Nebraskan (they still use dirt for planting stuff), which features some very cool rides. And without streaks or humps of mud everywhere.
Lyn Finlayson is currently a pan-handle Nebraskan who has roamed all over the country taking in racing events literally everywhere. And he just happened to have a camera with him. The first of several hopefully more pages of goodies can be found under the What Not link.
For us South Dakota dirt farmers/dirt trackers, Leon Schmitt sent a bouquet of awesomeness from his dad's racing days. The entire Schmitt family has deep roots in South Dakota racing (even expanding to firstly Montana and now Minnesota), and are some of the finest folks I've ever gotten to associate with. It's a true honor to give them a spot on the "Eastern South Dakota" link. I don't have exact dates, but from some of the clothing members of the crew are wearing, an early 70's time frame is a safe bet!
For those needing an update for their record keeping habit, the Mad Statter has the latest and greatest at his page.
Seems like whever I headed to the 'puter for the next update, something always seemed to arise...like working on a few "new" vintage race cars. Yep, the collection is getting way out of hand. I've added a former Bruce Hildebrandt super modified and, something that just arose late last week, a 1980's Sportsman.
My yard has become a repository for old cars-and this old car guy is not going to refuse a single one.
Anyway, photo wise, the 2012 link is now home to two nights of season ending racing at the tight, fast quarter miler in Watertown, SD. What a blast!
As the new owner of the Kaasa family 1934(ish?) Chevy Sedan #81, Larry Kaasa has found something else to occupy those now idled moments. Along with his brother and father, they had formed Kornfield Chassis, giving the co-kart scene a look of something more race car appearing-and appealing. Give it a look, it's quite an interesting spin on an old design.
Black Hills Speedway hosted a kind of test and tune for a pair of new classes intended for the 2012 racing season. Wingless sprints (which will rely on a more or less stock powerplant) and Thunder Stocks, based on the rules of the same named class in Gillette. Several drivers took turns in the non-winged assemblage, of which I recorded the photos but not the names. Personally, I like the look of the wing-free machines; it's been over 30 years since the last race at BHS sans largess air foils.
Almost a month without a Wanderer update! Horrors!
Well, there are some very delictable items to sink your racing teeth into. First of all, the remaining photos from the Wissota 100 are finally screened, preened and deemed appropriate for viewing (at the 2012 link, of course).
But the biggest addition to the menu are not one, not two, but three pages of vintage tastiness! Under the long neglected Wyoldies section, some goodies from the Asmus Family have finally made it to the site. A big thank you to Tom, Glenn and the whole Asmus clan for this trip down memory lane. I'm sure they will eventually fill in the blanks as far as what the years are and driver's names. During our conversation/scanning during the Clash I didn't commit anything said to paper...my bad...
Al Herrig of Great Falls, MT, presented me with some of the most unique photos I've had the opportunity to view ever. A certain Ted Funyak, gifted with cameras and desire to record the going's on at the famed Great Falls MT speed plant from the 1950's to early '60's-and kept a ton of the photos/negatives to share with the world what must seem like a life time hence. A coca-cola incident destroyed a list of names that I pried from certain oldtimer's memories, so I've got a clean slate for the devout vintage race nut to fill in the blanks.
Dang drinking problem.
A big thank you to Al for thinking of me when these precious items came to his possesion-and to Mr. Funyak for the willingness to let us all take a peek at a most unique era in our sport.
Work work work...that four letter word has kept me from the task of whittling through the mound of Wissota 100 photos--and keeping me away from the Stampede in Jamestown this pat weekend. It's hard to complain about employment when so many don't have it, though. The forecast for this upcoming weekend calls for a vigorous chance of attending the double-do at Casino Speedway, which, incidently, is where I'm to retrieve my latest mid life crisis project.
For now, I have the Wissota 100 day 1 and 4 photos up for your viewing at the 2012 page.
Between work and getting my '56 Ford midlife crisis project into the paint booth (which oddly looks just like my garage), I did finally squeeze some spare time to get the first night of the Clash and last weekend's BHS Nationals photos ready for viewing.
On a side note, I ran into Lex Burgers, former sprint car pilot battling a mosquito bourne illness that wreaks havoc on the entire body. He had been hospitalized for way too long and though a bit wobbly on his pins, recovery seems to be on track, albeit slowly.
Wow! Three nights of racing at the Gillette Thunder Speedway--some darn good stuff, friends. Images from the second and third night are ready for viewing, finally got the Friday night portion to upload from the card.
Later on, don't know when, I'll treat you to some very cool Casper Speedway items thanks to the Asmus family. Sorry, you'll just have to wait!
Getting in two nights of racing out here in the west is not without some travel; logged nearly 1000 miles to take in the final event at the Casper Speedway (Casper, WY) and then cruise to BMP in Billings Saturday night. All indications point to BMP recent re-opening to be being the best thing ever to happen to the Montana racing scene. Awesome weekend of racing, and I'm sure you know where to find the images without further instruction!
Other commitments kept my wanderering to one night this week; and what a night it was at BHS! Easily one of the best nights of racing on the big 'ol half mile this year. Photos can hardly do justice, but if you're game, look for yourself at the 2012 link.
Had some issues with getting the server to know it was really me trying to upload photos...then again, it probably was an error on my part. Regardless, images from KRA, Fiesta City and BHS over that past 10 days are finally (fingers crossed) ready for viewing at the 2012 link.
The biggest problem with a 5 day weekend is the mountain of tasks awaiting your return. Editing photos proved to be at the very bottom of the return to normal-ness, but through shear iron will I have a couple of the four nights worth of racing imagery ready for viewing. A plethora of cars passed before my lens, the end results of both Madison and Watertown are up for perusal at their new 2012 home.
More rain ko'd BHS (again) Friday night, and there was a moment of doubt the following night at Gillette Thunder Speedway there would be a hope of racing. The weather gods gave in, finally, and one of the best nights of racing on the 3/8 oval ensued. My photo expose can be scrutinized at the 2012 link.
Made some corrections to the Aberdeen photos from last week, and the J-Town photos from Saturday night are (finally) ready for viewing. The 2012 link on the home page will direct you to all this goodness and more!
If there is a down side to digital photography, it's the amount of images one can snap up in the course of one event. Such is the case of my own zealous shutter finger this past weekend. The shooting part is the fun part; editing all those pixels not so much. Anyway, the first half of last weekends eastern sojourn (Brown County Speedway-Aberdeen, SD) are firmly tucked away in their new home at the 2012 link. As soon as I muckaluck through the myriad of imagery from the Jamestown Speedway visit, I'll let you know. Here, at this very page.
Life has been rather crazy lately. BHS and Gillette pics from last weekend are up at the usual place.
I have been more or less "ravaged" by a sinus condition since returning home last weekend. It was my best intention to endure through the World of Outlaw show this past Tuesday night at BHS. The effects of the medication, the dust and general malaise sent my wimpy self home. I did manage to get a few shots before turning coward. If you're still interested, those images, along with the I-90 ASCS National show photos can be geeked at the 2012 link. Also, another rusty oldie has been found. Click over to the "They're Still Out There" heading for the latest in-need-of-rescue.
Even though the weekend didn't go off as planned (Willmar getting KO'd by excessive heat), found plenty of goodness to point the camera to at Fiesta City Speedway in Montevideo Friday night, then to the I-90 Speedway in Hartford for the ASCS National Touring event. I do have the FCS images under the 2012 link, featuring a hulking heap of HOTROD goodness. Should have the I-90 shots up some time this week.
The weatherman wasn't saying nice things about the Aberdeen skies last Friday morning, so I changed directions (literally) and made the trip to the Casper, WY, oval, something I haven't done for a while. From there, it was to my usual Saturday night haunt at the Gillette oval. I did make contact with Tom Asmus who has promised to bring some golden oldie goodness for me to scan during the Clash this year. We're all counting on you, Tom.
Well, BHS almost got 1 3/4 shows in Friday night. Mother Nature and Billy Keester just can't seem to find a middle ground, I guess. Things were much drier the following night at the Gillette oval, of which both nights worth of amateur photos can be found under the 2012 link. While browsing through the link, make sure you stop and ogle the Mopar eye candy at the Black Hills Mopar link. Tasty, tasty stuff my friends.
I hope to finally take in a Brown County Speedway show this up coming weekend, with a stopover in Jamestown Saturday night.
Friday night at BHS ended early, thanks to more unpleasantness from above. A substantial improvement Saturday goaded this wanderer towards Gillette, the images from both events can be viewed under the 2012 link. I've also (finally) processed the images from the Wheel Jam event in Huron two weeks prior.
Two nights of racing this weekend, starting with BHS on Friday and a very cold night at the Gillette oval on Saturday. I didn't get too many images from the Wyoming oval, as it appeared that rain was just a lap away I headed for the other side of the fence. I guess we'll have to get 'em next weekend.
A valiant attempt was made by yours truly to make it to Brown County Speedway's opener last Friday; alas, it wasn't meant to be. Nor was a revised destination to the Miller Speedway oval. However, Saturday proved to be a most splendid day, wiling away the hours at the Wheel Jam car show before the gates opened at the Dakota State Fair Speedway for a fabulous night of racing, featuring a $6200 to win Challenge Series event for Wissota Late Models. As always, you can find evidence that I was actually there under the 2012 link. The Wheel Jam photos should be up soon, for the car show hungry.
I know, I move like a snail on a slow boat to China...this week's update comes from the fine northeastern Wyoming oval called Gillette Thunder Speedway. BHS gave into rain Friday night, leaving just one night to practice my limited photographic skills. Judge for yourself, they're there for viewing under the 2012 link.
On a more somber note, this week we said goodbye to Harry Kirchhevel, father to racer Dennis and grandson Nick. Rest in peace, Harry. Rest in peace. You've earned the rest.
Finally, a double header weekend! BHS Friday night, Thunder Speedway's opener on Saturday. Images are up for viewing under the 2012 link. I had the good fortune of having my "midlife crisis" on display Friday night, with late model/modified/sprint car veteran Tom Sires giving the ol' 55 Chevy some laps around the famous oval. I'm sure everyone is aware of the backstage drama at BHS, of which I'm trying to stay neutral. Not an easy task, as I have as much passion for the place as anyone, let alone someone with forty some years of memories invested in the place. I refuse to take a "side" in the matter, as that is for the judge and jury. I am neither. Just an obsessive fan.
It's usually against my practices to attend a racing venue with spankin' new camera gear, at least without a tried and trusty piece along side. Well, for the BHS opener last Friday, old standby Nikon gave up the ghost, so I had to rely on new gear that literally arrived that very afternoon. It was hit and miss at best, which will be most noticeable as you click over to the 2012 header and scroll to BHS 5-4-12 link.The racing wasn't too bad, considering the turmoil the old lady has had to yet endure. Just need more cars, plain and simple.
Since I have yet to discover a way to be in two places at one time, Tommy Manning (Mod 4 pilot) sent over a batch of images from the Gillette Thunder Speedway car show held last week. To get a glimpse of who you'll be seeing Saturday nights this year, click back to the 2012 link.
The BHS car show/test and tune has been pushed back to this coming Wednesday, 5-8pm. Unfavorable weather mandated this date change. It would be a good time to show that your loyalty is to the continuation of racin' round Rapid.
It's a "photopallooza" this time around; something old, something new. The new part doesn't mean it's great, however. Of all the things I packed for the first venture to Huron, SD's Dakota State Fair Speedway last weekend, I overlooked one important item: the talent. You can judge for yourself at the 2012 link on the home page. On the old front, steer over to the Racin' Round Rapid for a double helping of the good old days. Volume two of the Les Stadel treasury is up, as well as a bunch of goodies from the Murner family.
On a more distressing note, the future of the beloved Black Hills Speedway is again under the shadows of a very dark cloud. Hopefully the car show scheduled for this Sunday will give us long time BHS supporters a touch of hope.
For the nostalgic starved, I offer a tasty treat this time around. Les Stadel granted me total access to his stash of printed memories to copy, and to share with the world wild web public. A person can take a tip from Les and his wife Mary on how to scrapbook--talk about making the job twice as enjoyable and, not to mention, easier! The one thing I did notice, however, is after viewing 40 plus years of photographs featuring one of the winningest drivers in BHS history, Les has aged very well. In fact, I believe he is the Dick Clark of the Midwest racing set! Head on over to the Racin' Round Rapid link to get your fill of racing 1970's style.
For dessert, that crazy guy with the numbers gone mad, our own Mad Statter, has been very busy this last month. Click on his link to get the up to date win columns from all over the place-literally.
First "event" of the new year found this photographer at a new venue: the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. It was the latest monster truck show, dubbed the Road 2 Destruction Tour complete with Mini Sprints and a couple of death defying motorcyclists. I've been in attendance of these events in the past, never in this capacity. A truly different experience, of which I hope the photos (2012 link) will convey.
Finally, some new "old" stuff to share with you. Met up with Ed Overton at the Count's car show who informed me had "stuff". So, just who is this Ed Overton you ask? When stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base in the early 1970's, he and a few friends built a '56 Buick for oval competition, Dick Kaiser and Eddie Fairbanks taking turns at the wheel before Brad Holt purchased the 000. Alas, there are no pics of the completed 000, but he did have some of his fellow competitors that can be viewed at the "Racin' Round Rapid" link.
As you click along, you'll find that not all the photos are from BHS. Indeed, after leaving the military, he relocated to Nascar territory, finding employment with the James Hylton operation. The photos that have survived the multiple moves offers a unique insight into what Nascar life was like before the dollars turned dominant.
For you stat fans, our own Mad Statter has blessed you with the latest win fests from the Hartford, SD, I-90 Speedway oval. Just click on over to the Mad Statter for the numbers.
A few updates this time; Casino stats are up to date thanks to the Mad Statter (you know where to find him on the home page). Took in the first event of the 2012 year this past weekend, as the Counts of the Cobblestone hosted the 13th annual car show at the Civic Center. I entered my Mid-life Crisis project (the first one, that is), to join Jeremy Farr, Troy Murner and Brady McDonnell's "real" race cars. Mine joined Jerred Murner's fab Nance Restoration to kick off, somewhat unofficially, the Western Wanderer Vintage Car Club. Details of that new entity should be coming soon.
Oh, the car show shots are under the recently installed "2012" link (as long as I did it right, that is).
The Hughes household came under attack over the past week or so...first it was the computer, then the opperator. Somewhat back to full steam, I have updated the Mad Statter page and added some more goodies on the Arno Selberg page.
With apologies to Mr. Statter, I'm finally putting up the latest feature win updates from the Miller and Rock Rapids Ovals. Click on over to the Mad Statter link to get the low down. More progress can be seen at the They're Still Out There page on the Nance rebuild from the fine folks at Murner Garage. I should have some more interesting tidbits for the Arno Selberg page ready by the next update.
A couple of updates, one of which involves my own midlife crisis project (link on the front page), and the Murner Garage is hoppin' with a Nance rebuild well under way, as you'll find under the "They're Still Out There" link.
Next week I'll have the latest from our own Mad Statter!
I'm still learning the new program, which gave me so many fits I didn't look at it for over a week...my frustration, your enjoyment (so I hope), as the BHS banquet photos are now up for viewing at the 2011 link.
With any luck, the latest installment of the Murner Garage will appear under the "They're Still Out There" link. The old program I used to make the photo pages ceased to function (along with the Windows XP based computer it lived on), causing me to again learn yet another program. I should have the images from the BHS Banquet up by the weekend, as long as the new method works as well as I hope.
Stampede photos can be found under the 2011 link. I had a great time in Jamestown, which is a usual occurence when in that part of North Dakota. You'd be hard pressed to find a more accomodating facility than this one, not to mention some of the best racing anywhere. No wonder they were the only two time recipient of the Wissota Track of The Year award.
I've also added some goodies at the They're Still Out There page. Jerred Murner has been around this sport since a wee one (with a name like Murner, duh!), and has turned his garage into a restoration pit/collection house of yesterday's trinkets. A small sample of these treasures can be ogled at the "Murner Garage" link at the bottom of the page.
When you're in the zone, shutter clicking every other second, one doesn't give a single thought to the arduous task of editing soooooo many pics. Hopefully my pain is your gain. You can make that call yourself, as the remainder of the Wissota 100 photos are now up at the 2011 link. Now to tackle that mound of Stampede pics....
It's been a while since I've taken as many photos I did last weekend. The Wissota 100 was, again, an incredible 4 day experience. I have the first and last days of the event ready for viewing at the 2011 link. Not sure when the remaining two nights of pictures will hit the web; it's time for the Stampede this weekend. I've missed the event the past two years...not to happen this year.
Here's a handy tip for the novice camera buff: always, always make sure you have your camera batteries charged up before heading to a two day racing event. Battery power shortage and all, I did manage to get some images for your viewing from the weekend's East/West Clash in Gillette. To the staff and drivers of the track: bravo on your tribute to the 9/11 10th anniversary. Very well played. Next stop: 4 nights of the 100 in Huron!
It's officially the "Specials" season. BHS concluded the year with the two nighter 29th Annual Nationals, quite possibly the final of such event. The turnout wasn't what was expected, likely from every other track having their own version of a like event. I can't blame Shane for wanting to restore the once prominent weekend show; there's just too much competition for traveling cars these days. That aside, there was plenty of good racing, some of which I was aware enough to capture through my lens (you know the ritual; click on the 2011 link blah blah blah....)
Images from my rain shortened first ever trip to Fiesta City Speedway in Montevideo, MN and DSFS's season championship night in Huron are ready for your viewing pleasure under the usual 2011 link. Plus, a stop at Ron Anderson's sprawling complex in Watertown revealed his latest find--Les Frohling's old modified, still in very restorable condition. Images of its present condition are under the They're Still Out there link. To see what the beast looked like in its heyday, click over to Lone Wolf's section in the Eastern South Dakota page.
More 2011 goodies! Finally getting around to posting two weeks worth of racing adventures. Still have a couple of tracks remaining (Huron and Montevideo), which should be up for viewing soon.
Last weekend was my first real getaway of the season. From Aberdeen, to Willmar, then Montevideo and ending up in Huron, what a fantastic four day journey through race land. Sorry about being so slow getting the proof of these excursions to the site; just tooooo busy. Anyway, the Willmar photos are the first ready for viewing under the 2011 link. The rest will follow.
It was another wild night at BHS Friday night! The proof, albeit limited from this lensman's perspective, it under the 2011 link.
Both BHS and Thunder Speedway photos from the weekend can be found under the 2011 link. Wissota allowed its members to remove their roofs (or is that rooves???), making the scenery a little bit different. I also put together a tribute to Hap Brown under the In Memory link.
Only one night of racing this weekend. I'm ramped up to getting the '55 Chevy onto the track at least once this year. BHS images under the usual 2011 link. Also, under the "They're Still Out There" link, the final installment of the Jim Funell Beck machine, with Mike Sires' winged #7 to offer a striking contrast between the different eras.
You may wish to make your first update pitstop at the Racin' Round Rapid link, as the Horst family entrusted yours truly with a bunch of goodies from the 50s/early 60s era surely to make you smile. For those with more enthusiasm towards the now, pics from Friday night's BHS action as well as a stop in Dickinson, ND, can be oogled under the 2011 link. I had to reach a compromise with the Southwest Speedway officiating staff to shoot the heat races from a closer advantage and stay near the center of the infield during the features. Hence, only heat race and trophy shots. Not complaining, in this day of litigation and insurance company interference, it's a wonder photographers are allowed anywhere near the action. And their was plenty of action among the four classes of racers. A big thank you to Bob and Kenny for making this traveler feel right at home.
Busy, busy, busy. That's the only excuse I have for the update delay. For those that have been sitting around, wringing your hands, I hope I won't disappoint with the latest updates, which include the Mel Torres Memorial photos from BHS July 15, and the recent two Gillette dates (including a visit from the WoO Late Model bunch).
I know, I've been neglecting my web duties...just too busy. Images from this past weekends offerings (BHS and Thunder Speedway) should be under the 2011 by now.
This update brings to you Gillette racing from June 25 and July 2, as well as BHS's well attended July 1 show (sorry, didn't get a single shot of the awesome fireworks display). I've also added the recalculated Husets stats under the Mad Statter heading.
Photos from Saturday night's Mini Sprint show at the Sturgis Short Track are now up under the 2011 link. Go Karts and motorcycles were also on the card, allowing my first ever attempt to shoot the two wheel set.
A great night of racing at BHS Friday night! Images are now available for your viewing pleasure under the 2011 link. A prior commitment kept me away from Gillette Saturday night, but I did manage to sneak off to Sturgis for some great Mini Sprint racing. Still working on those images.
Only one night of racing this past weekend; Mother Nature didn't play nice with the BHS date, but Gillette did manage to squeeze in their show Saturday night. The evidence can be scrutinized under the 2011 link.
Finally, a warmer night at BHS this past Friday. Ditto for Gillette the following night. Images can be viewed, skewed and cued under the 2011 link. There is some new camera gear in my posession as I write. Bear with me as this analog dog learns some new digital tricks.
Got a bit snap happy at the Dakota Spring Fling in the Black Hills car show this past Saturday. You can witness the damage under the 2011 link. Hats off to Shakey and company for a successful inaugural event!
Friday night's BHS images are now processed and ready for viewing under the 2011 link. I'm having some camera issues, which could lead to a week or two off of photography duty. A decision to either upgrade or retire is bouncing around my mind at this time. I should have yesterday's car show pictures up tomorrow.
Only took in one show this weekend: Black Hills Speedway. Track is still a bit rough, though it was a vast improvement over last weekend. If the weather decides to make its mind, Shane and crew can get about to finishing the task. Anyway, images of last Friday night's races can be found under the 2011 link. Oh, and this time I believe I have most of the driver's names. If there are mistakes, please let me know!
Well, the computer issues returned, and have hopefully been taken care of....again. Please let me know if you get any more of those annoying "Warning" windows. On the lighter side, I feel it's safe to add photos from this weekends openers at BHS and Gillette Thunder Speedway. they can be found under the 2011 link. Also, I paid some attention to the links page, clearing out some dead ones, revising some and adding a link for the area's newest motorsports publication "Fast Times News". Be sure to check that one out!
Also, Butch Knouse, our very own resident Mad Statter, has sent the up to date stats on I-90 Speedway in Hartford, SD.
Finally, I've been able to straighten out some computer issues and get the promised items sent from Ralene Suchor added to the Wyoldies page. She promises to send more goodies as she gets time, so check back often.
Nothing really to update, other than to post my sincerest sympathies to the family of Travis McDonnell. This melting pot of humanity that masses once a week for rivalry in the dirt, has become-like to you, also-an extention of family. When one is gone, he or she leaves a chasm only time can attempt to span a bridge across. While we morn the empty chair at the table, let's all remember what Travis brought to it.
On another note, there has been an intrusion of a malicious cyber-bug trying to take hold of my chunk of cyber-space. Thanks to guru of the gigabyte Lynn Amick, that bug has been exterminated. At least for now.
I am planning on adding some great images and text from Ralene Suchor, a former Wyomingite now holding down the ranch in Nebraska with former racer hubby Ray. You will not be disappointed in this find!
The surest sign of spring arrived at 9am this morning at the Gillette Thunder Speedway car show. As usual, I just happened to have my camera along for the drive, and took a photo or two or twenty. Back home, found Shane Liebig, Ken Reinert and crew at work on the rock issue at Black Hills Speedway. Rock removal may not seem like a photographic event, but the procedure is oddly facinating to this odd lenseman.
Sorry about the update delay...I've been on the busy side with work and, fortunately, race car construction. Not that I'm much assistance in the fab procedures of race cars, but I do fill the much needed position of supervisor. A couple of notes this time around: Justin Williams has been on the mend from a traffic accident mid year, last year, convelesing with a return to a childhood passion: building model cars. His take on Wayne Manning's uber cool Torino can be found under the Scale Replica banner. He also sent along some photos of Mike Mareska's long idled Super Stock for the latest entry into the "They're Still Out There" catagory.
Years ago, I wondered through Jim Funell's collection of random race cars/drag cars/just plain ol' cars and set eyes on a '55 Chevy with 171 on the sides. It had been raced hard--nary a straight body part, aside from one door--lay in the field waiting for another chance to make some laps. With friend Kurt Jensen, aka Mister 55, that day has arrived. Just a week into the retro, magnificent gains have been made. I've added images of the week long task under the "They're Still Out There" link.
First car show of the year didn't have much to offer for the roundy-round set; the cars on display, however, were uber cool. Those photos get the be the first under the newly installed 2011 link on the home page. Jim Funell's Beck Chassis (a late discovery changed it's age from circa 1967 to a more confirmed 1968 build) was show ready for the event, those photos are under the "They're Still Out There" link.
This week, an update on Jim Funell's Beck sprinter restoration can be viewed under the "They're Still Out There" heading, and long time fan Darrell Mulz II kindly allowed me to borrow memories he collected from drivers as a young'un. I have placed those images under the Racin' Round Rapid link. Thanks again, Darrell, for helping this site's continued growth!
Man, if I am this absent minded at my current age, I fear for when I'm actually at the age when you do begin to lose memory function. For some reason, I could have sworn I had uploaded the images from the Gillette banquet shortly after the event last November. Surprise! I hadn't. So, the few images captured from the event can now be viewed under the 2010 link. Jim Funell is at it again-he has found an old modified that I last had opportunity to shoot as a race ready car in 1985 (my last trip to Miller's Central Speedway in that decade). The beginnings of its resurrection can be found under the "They're Still Out there" link. Lastly, Dan Dohmann is hard at work on an article about one of South Dakota's true racing legends: Roger Swenson. He forwarded on some images from Roger's personal collection that I am sharing with you all. Just mosey on over to the Eastern South Dakota page, scroll to the bottom for a glimpse of this man's incredible machinery.
I'm not sure what happened to the 1961 Oahe Speedway yearbook that I am sure I had uploaded a few years ago...all I know is it's not here anymore. Well, until now. With apologies to Don Gordon, the entire book is ready for viewing under the Eastern South Dakota link (scroll towards Oahe Speedway section).
I've added a new entry to the "They're Still Out There" section: Jim Funell's 1967 Beck Sprint Car. Jim is knee deep in restoring the long abandoned machine to it's early 1980's luster. Keep an eye to this section for further updates.
Happy belated New Year! The Replica section finally has an update, with three modelers contributing. Kevin Sassman of Iowa sent along his Butch Householder creation that is absolutely incredible. Equally incredible, John Dvorak's father Steve sent along some photos of his work and son Brent. Model glue must run deep in this family's veins! I would have to agree with Steve's comments about how it would be so great to hear the roar of 454's 10 rows deep again....
On a more somber note, we've lost another driver without equal: Forest Canipe. The tribute, or Memories pages are the most difficult to do. I did manage to pull one together for Forest, as I felt confident I could do his memory justice. That is the one reason I don't had much for these pages: I know of them, but didn't know them well enough to be the caretaker of their memory page. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but I strive to be as honest as possible in all aspects of a racer's life.
Sorry for the lack of updates: I've been sidelined by my "Mid Life Crisis" projects. Speaking of which, some updated photos can be found under that link on the home page. The Mad Statter is getting into the swing of things also: the up to 2010 stats for Miller Speedway are ready for viewing.
I am out of "old" photos at this time! If you have something you would like to share, please feel free to contact me.
I do have some great photos of models sent; I'm working with a new program to display them to the world wide web audience. Stay tunes-and keep building!
I love "new oldies", and Larry Reub (long time BHS pit steward) unearthed a cache of black and white polaroids from the 1960's to share with the world. These treasures are buried under the Racin' Round Rapid link. Also, I've added a new page for old race cars that are still standing, starting with finding Dale Iversen's go-fast Ford in Murdo. Click on the "They're Still Out There" link to find out more.
Plus, I'm allowing you free of charge to join me in my mid life crisis. There should be a link on the home page to keep tabs of my "progress" though this difficult time in my life! Difficult, yet oddly awesome too boot!
Thanks to the incredible talents of Mr. Lynn Amick, the site is now 99% up to snuff! The remaining 1% deficit, alas, is for my humble part in the prossess!
Anyway, back to the business at hand. The remaining photos from the final two nights of Wissota's biggest show are now nestled under the 2010 link, as are the final night's activities at the Heartland Speedway last weekend. That will wrap up the season for me. I do have some other items I'll be adding as the winter progresses, and, of course, any new "oldies" that may pop up during that time.
Well, it's certainly been an experience on the computer front since returning from the Wissota 100. Between computers going berserk (forcing its operator to do the same) and dying, I haven't been able to let the world see what I did for those three nights. This update is kind of a test to see if everything is back on schedule, and if it is, you will find the opening night's photos under the 2010 header towards the bottom.
Hopefully, in the next few days, I will have the remaining two nights worth of images for your enjoyment, plus last weekend's shoot at the Heartland Speedway go-cart track.
Again, if I have kept anyone waiting with bated breath, start the blame game with that Gates guy!
Despite the weekend ofthe East/West Clash at Gillette Thunder Speedway got off to a somber start, the racing was groovy. The proof can be found under the 2010 link.
The pall over the event stemmed from Bill Brown's untimely passing before the opening night show. You'll find some images of Bill's racing adventures within this site; I had the pleasure to know the man, as well as his extended family. All were great supporters of the sport I cherish, and Bill was a character whose impression could never leave you. To all the Brown family, my sincerest condolences.
The last race for this wanderer looms this week, with the second version of the Huron, SD, Wissota 100 awaiting. Hope to see you there!
Day one of the double header Jamestown Speedway photos are now up under the 2010 header. Had too much to do to get them up earlier, including the arrival of my first winter project. When the season is over, I'll expound more on what this middle aged mid-life crises sufferer is doing to stay sane. Or something close to sanity, legally.
Home...finally! Had an unwarrented, yet pleasing, stopover in Murdo to repair the Wanderermobile. Met up with former racer Chris Venard, and learned of a few vintage race cars in the area that will have to be sought out on my next outing east.
Anway, almost all the photos that ran through my lens are ready for your hopeful enjoyment. I haven't gone through the stack of Jamestown day one of the two day affair as of yet. The images from Aberdeen and the Street Stock $1000 to win show from Jamestown are up under the 2010 link (scroll down towards the bottom..it's how I roll on this website thing)
The final point counting weekend at both BHS and GTS photos are under the 2010 link. As a side note, congrats to the Farr Racing/Western WandererPhoto.com Thunder Stock 192 for winning the season championship. Jeremy Farr did a great job with some old school (which, by the way, are still cool) idealogy. Speaking of old school, I received a package of photos from Mark Higgins of CA, a nice assortment of BHS cars from 1970 and 1971 eras. They can be found (and thoroughly enjoyed) at the Racin' Round Rapid site. Thanks for answering the call, Mark!
It was rather like a demo derby Friday night at BHS-nothing that crossed before my lens, but I did get some aftermath photos. I stayed home Saturday night, attending the demo derby (the real one) at the Fair. Sounds like I missed a pretty good show in Gillette-won't happen again. The fair derby was disappointing-lack of credible officiating, overlong intermission, the list goes longer.
Only one night of racing this weekend...the Thunder InThe Hills Sprint car series wrapped up their inaugural season last night in Gillette. The curious can find the images under the 2010 link.
Stayed close to home this weekend, including the rain killed BHS big money Super Stock event. I did manage to sneak over to Wyoming for the weather free second leg of that mini series, of which the images can be viewed, scorned or whatever under the 2010 link.
Images from the final two legs of the Montana blow out can now be viewed under the 2010 link.
It was a looooooooong weekend on the road, following the DART Challenge Series from two Montana dates starting on the 29th, ending in Gillette last night. So far, I only have the Great Falls (night one) ready for viewing, which, naturally, you can do once you click on the 2010 link on the home page and scroll towards the bottom. Bozeman and Gillette updates will happen as the week flows along.
Big update this week! Images from Ogilvie, MN, Watertown, BHS and Heartland Speedway all under the 2010 link. Had a real good time at the Kart track last night-it's amazing how many BHS regulars you'll find there-from the Porter family, Dean Fairbanks, the officiating crew of Travis and Duane, even Randy Quest Jr on the mic. Good job to all! A link to the Kart site can be found on the, oddly enough, links page. Next weekend, the Western Nomad is headed to Big Sky Country!
In my quest for accuracy, it takes a bit longer to get my photos all sorted out before shoving them onto the internet! the Princeton Speedway photos can be viewed under the 2010. I've made a seperate link for the vintage racers this time.
Headed east for some Minnesota fun this weekend. I took waaaaaaaay too many photos, so it is going to take a while to get them all sorted out. However, the first night's racing before my lens (KRA Raceway) is ready and poised for your viewing under the 2010 link on the home page.
For a look at something different, click on over to Arno Selberg's collection, the link of which is located on the home page. You will be intrigued, perhaps biguiled...yet never bored. Trust me. And, this weekend's activities at both the Gillette and BHS ovals are under the 2010 link.
Hope your Fourth of July was a safe one-that you have as many appendages after the fireworks as you did before. Images from BHS and Gillette over the weekend are under the 2010 link, and the final installment of the Mansfield Collection can be viewed under the Racin' Round RC link.
Photo editing-DONE. the rest of my Iowa weekend photos can be viewed and possibly enjoyed under the 2010 link on the home page. The trip to Alta was my fifth, and it still amazes me how many cars the place can draw on a Wednesday night. Simply amazing. It was my first trip to Oskaloosa, as well as my first official contact with the Mississippi Valley Vintage crowd (last year's Knoxville rainout doesn't count, in my book). If watching some incredible tin of yesterday racing through your memories excites you, check this group out. They rock. And Southern Iowa Speedway (hope I have that right) rocks!
Finally getting around to posting a weekend's worth of photos-and what an incredible weekend it was. I, uh, snapped so many pictures it's going to take a few more updates during the week to get them presentable enough for your eyes. I'm going to start with what proved to be the final night of my Iowa tour, as most of my Saturday night options fell to rain. It was "Old Timer's" night at the famed Knoxville Speedway, and unlike last year's trek to these hallowed grounds, not a sprinkle was to be found. The proof of my presence is under the 2010 link. I hope you enjoy looking in as much as I enjoyed the experience of being surrounded by this classic iron.
Finally! Images from this past weekend at both BHS and Gillette Thunder Speedway have been added to the 2010 link. With any luck, I'm headed to Iowa for a weekend of vintage racing tomorrow.
Motivation issues has delayed the posting of BHS rain shortened program last Friday until today. Even if you're mildly interested, they can be viewed under the 2010 link.
New "stuff" from both BHS and Thunder Speedway now under the 2010 link.
The second night of the 2010 Black Hills Speedway season images can be found under the 2010 header. For you fans of BHS's rich history, I have a special treat for you under the Racin' Round RC link. Through contacts with Butch Murner, I was allowed access to a box of goodies from Ruth Friez, widow of ground breaking car builder Ken Friez. I'm sure you'll enjoy these treasures as much as I did.
Since BHS had it's second rain out of the season, spent some quality time with the computer, namely getting some more Racin' Round Rapid images up on the Mansfield collection and a new collection from Shakey Jack Venable. In Shakey's section, look for what is the lone known image of Elmer Smith's Toronado in race trim. Images from last night's Thunder Speedway set are under the 2010 link.
The CLMA/DirtCar Series made appearances at both Black Hills Speedway (their opening night too boot) and Thunder Speedway in Gillette. Not enough time to elaborate for this update, other than the photos are under the 2010 link.
Despite the cold, raw conditions, Gillette Thunder Speedway opened for 2010 business last night. The on again, off again mists prevented more camera work; the images I was able to collect are under the 2010 banner.
This update spans the gambit of why this site was created: something old, something new. Under the "old", for lack of a proper word, is the newest collection of vintage photos courtesy of the Mansfield family. There are plenty of pictures to be added along the way, but the first installment can be found (and enjoyed) under the Racin' Round RC link.
For the new, BHS conducted a car show/test n tune event at the track today. There's no denying it was cold; that is likely the biggest reason for the percentage of the 100+ cars that have registered for the 2010 season to show and play. May 7 is the scheduled opener; I sure hope the weather is better! The new images are found under the 2010 link.
Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to drag out the camera and accesories from their winter hibernation and discover what I have forgotten over the last half year off. Poured myself and the gear into the van, Gillette's car show and test n tune event the first destination of the new year. During the test n tune event, I had blamed a camera malfunction for a series of quickly deleted shots...before realizing it was the operator that had malfunctioned. I severely reprimanded myself, then tried to "reshoot" what I had missed. I promise to be more awake next weekend at Gillette's opener! What images remained are housed under the 2010 link.
A Montana fan asked me to correct a name in the Shorty Olson section of the Montana Round Up page. Turns out the #77 Modified was raced by Kenny George. His son John clarified the matter and I'm more than happy to make such amendments. Co-incidently, I managed to find some more photos of the same stash that I, for whatever reason, never included before. Instead of making an uneducated guess as to the rightful name, year, etc., I've left the file name rather generic. They are at the tail end of the same page.
Sorry for the lack of consistant updates. I do have two very good excuses for this. One, it's getting close to race time and I've put my limited race car building abilities to the task. The Hughes Racing Super stock is nearly 99.9% ready for dirt, and in an old school manner, I've "helped" Jeremy Farr get his Thunder Stock ready. More often than not, my "assistance" blurs the line of "helping" and "interfering". Nonetheless, both cars are almost ready aside from my all thumbs efforts (most of those digits in bandages).
Sorry about the lack of updates...still sorting through the new computer, trying to get the old technology and the new technology to live peacefully on my desktop. More stats from the Mad Statter hisself are under the link that bears his name. Or bares his name. Or bares his soul...
Took the camera to the Counts of the Cobblestone Car Show at the Civic Center in Rapid City yesterday to check out some classic iron and, of course, some of the new cars ready to race at BHS this summer. Didn't get too carried away, hopefully you'll find something to enjoy. Naturally, they are to be found under the 2010 link.
With extended graditude to Lynn Amick, a recent computer glitch has been repaired, the harddrive cloned, and the site is back in business. I'm going to babystep back into the updating stages, beginning with some updated stats from the number one number cruncher of South Dakota, Butch Knouse. You'll find his latest work under the Mad Statter link.
A recent Epson V500 purchase has finally allowed the scanning of "Medium Format" negatives. While this may not mean anything to you, it allowed me to confiscate a trove of such negatives from Jim Holland, thus leading to this week's update of New Jim Holland Discoveries Vol. 1 (under the Jim Holland Experience link if I did it correctly).
A while back, Roger Koth sent me some newspaper clippings saved by his father, Larry, from the Pierre area, which I've deduced to be from the early to mid 1960's. I was really impressed with the Dale Iverson photo! that had to be the first in this collection where he isn't behind the wheel of that famed old '56 Ford he won so often with. Check 'em out under the Eastern South Dakota section.
I also gave the Links page some long needed TLC-adding three great sites for your consuming racing needs. Be sure to check out the Dirt On Dirt, Race Wyoming and Auto Racing Memories sites. They're all very Grade A!
Happy belated New Year! A modest, yet compelling update this time around. Volume 3 of the Mike Cook/Sue Cargal collection have been shelved under the "Wyoldies" link. Still looking for more oldies, whether from Wyoming or all across the midwest.